Friday, July 15, 2011

Keep our wolves howling!

Have you heard? Wolves have returned! 
When I heard the news in 2008 that there was a confirmed pack of wolves returning to Washington, I was ecstatic.  I was a senior in high school at the time and planning to go to the University of Montana for wildlife biology.  I also knew that it would be a long road to recovery, not simply because of the time it takes for a population to grow, but because the state has a lot of work to do to prepare a plan for their return.  As Conservation Northwest’s wolf intern, I am excited to help, and today  I am working on a new campaign called “Keep Washington’s wolves howling!”, where you can help ensure the state adopts the best plan for wolves and people.

As a livestock owner, I know a good state plan for wolf recovery is important. As an intern working on wolf issues, I know Conservation Northwest is making sure that good plan happens. You can support a strong plan, too with a new campaign.
Wolves have been returning to Washington on their own, through the connected landscapes across our borders. Some have been found to come from the BC coast along with a wolf from western Montana near Glacier.  It’s good to know Washington is wild enough to allow these canids to return!
Wolves are an important part of the ecosystem, one that has been gone from Washington for generations.  They’re like that one piece of a puzzle that you can’t find and its right smack in the middle of it, missing. But with the wolf making a comeback to Washington, ecosystems will make a rebound and we can enjoy the benefits of a top predator once more. 
Being a livestock owner with a small farm in Washington, I understand that there are concerns surrounding all predators.  I have made the necessary precautions with my animals to ensure their safety and the safety of the wolves. All of my animals are close to the house, surrounded by electrified fencing and are brought in at night.  There are ways to live harmoniously with these predators and it is best to practice good animal husbandry.
Going to school in Montana, I have been able to follow the Rocky Mountain wolf battles. I am sad to say that it is out of control and becoming worse.  What Washington is doing, by coming up with their own recovery and management plan, we are already better than the Rockies. We are making that step to welcome back the wolves and share the landscape.  In Montana it was either, there are wolves, or there aren’t, period. Washington is trying to ensure that this animal has a place in our great state and hopefully in our hearts and souls.
With the new arrival of the Teanaway pack, recovery of wolves in Washington is beginning to become reality.  So please, keep the dream and the reality of wolves returning to Washington and consider making a gift. Help keep the Northwest wild and keep the wolves howling!! AHOOOOOOO!!!!
We need to raise $7500 in less than a month to support important outreach and activism across the state this summer, so that moderate voices shape Washington's wolf recovery plan. Our new Keep Washington Wolves Howling campaign makes it easy to give a gift and share with friends. Thank you for helping!

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